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Everything You Need to Know About HIFU

Cellulite Reduction Treatment

Everything You Need to Know About HIFU

If you’ve always wanted a skin tightening treatment but are afraid of invasive needles and extensive downtime, we have just the thing. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is the most innovative non-surgical treatment. It works by targeting and penetrating the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS), providing clients with natural-looking, long-lasting results that boost their self-confidence.

We know what you’re thinking — it almost sounds too good to be true! This blog will break down what HIFU treatment is, the pros and cons of a HIFU treatment, and answer the question: Does HIFU really work?

What is HIFU treatment?

HIFU is a non-invasive skin tightening technology that uses ultrasound energy to tighten and lift your skin without damaging surrounding tissue. With no needles or incisions, it causes minimal discomfort and no downtime — that’s why it’s commonly referred to as the “lunchtime facial.” The HIFU targets deeper skin layers to promote new collagen and elastin production, meaning you’ll notice results over an extended period — think tighter, more sculpted and youthful-looking skin. 

Explore EBC’s HIFU treatments for yourself

At Elite Body Contouring, we have a range of science-backed HIFU treatments to choose from depending on what area you wish to target and treat: 

HIFU non-surgical facelift

Our HIFU non-surgical facelift is the latest clinically proven non-surgical cosmetic technology to help tighten and define the sagging or loose skin around the face and neck. It stimulates and renews the body’s natural collagen production to improve skin texture and reduce drooping skin, helping it feel more youthful in as little as one to two sessions!

Expected results 

If you’re asking yourself, “does HIFU really work?” the answer is yes! And if you’re curious about how many HIFU treatments are needed, you’ll notice tighter skin immediately after your first session. Over the next 6 to 12 weeks, you’ll see a significant improvement in facial contouring and a visible reduction in fine lines, wrinkles and other prominent signs of ageing. The benefits of this quick and easy treatment include:

  • Lifts the face and firms the neck — Enjoy similar benefits to a traditional facelift minus the downtime, anaesthetic and pain caused by surgery.
  • Long-lasting results for up to 18 months — How long does HIFU last, you may be wondering? Well, the immediate treatment effects will develop over time, but many patients experience a more contoured look for up to 18 months post-treatment.
  • The Ultracel Q+™ HIFU treatment penetrates deeper than other methods — The Ultracel Q+™ penetrates the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS) deeper than previous treatments like laser, IPL, and Fractional Laser. It can treat younger skin compared to other brands, includes cartridges that can treat closer to the eyes and enhances jaw definition. 



At EBC, we’re proud to introduce the Ultracel Q+™ HIFU treatment for body skin tightening. This clinically-proven technology emits heat energy from high-frequency ultrasound waves directly into the dermis at around 65 degrees. This helps stimulate the body’s collagen production, causing the skin to look and feel firmer, tighter, lifted and more sculpted.

Unlike Fractional skin tightening treatments, which are limited in their capacity to penetrate the deepest layers of the dermis, HIFU targets the subcutaneous tissues without impacting the surrounding skin, leading to more advanced, pronounced and longer-lasting results.

What to expect from a HIFU body treatment

The best part of our body HIFU treatment? You can fully customise your treatment to reach your body goals. And if you’re wondering how many HIFU treatments are needed, some clients may experience an immediate firming effect, but results will continue to develop over 12 weeks as your body continues to produce new collagen and elastin — two proteins that form the building blocks of skin. You can count on our experienced team to be there every step of the way and ensure you’re satisfied with your treatment’s progress.

Using composition scans from the renowned Inbody 770 body scan, we’ll separate and segment your body fat from other factors affecting your overall weight — like muscle, bone and water — to accurately chart your progress over time. 

Chin sculpting

If a double chin has been an insecurity of yours, our chin sculpting is the ideal non-surgical treatment to target this common issue that usually occurs with age. This non-invasive treatment utilises HIFU technology to permanently reduce fat and contour the jawline and neck. Your body will naturally break down and discard the dead fat cells in the treatment area over 12 weeks while new collagen and elastin form to help lift, sculpt and tighten your chin and jawline.

Expected results

Unlike other treatments, our chin sculpting therapy is non-invasive, which means no swelling or bruising post-treatment. You might experience slight tenderness in the targeted area; however, this feeling will subside quickly. No anaesthetic is required either, meaning no grogginess after your treatment.

If you want to know how many HIFU treatments are needed for chin sculpting, sessions are usually spaced four weeks apart, and you may require 2 to 4 for optimal long-term results.

HIFU treatment pros and cons

Since HIFU focuses on the tissue beneath the skin’s surface, there is no damage to the upper layers. It’s a non-surgical treatment, with no incision, needles or scarring, which means no downtime — the most significant appeal to many patients who choose this treatment method.

When it comes to the pros and cons of a HIFU facial treatment, it’s far more cost-effective than a surgical facelift. Stimulating the skin’s natural healing process, it results in subtle, natural-looking results. Meanwhile, a surgical facelift poses risks of bleeding, infection, pain, and scarring.

Since a HIFU facial treatment promotes skin regeneration rather than filling beneath the skin’s surface, the results depend on your skin type and its ability to regenerate, while surgery results can be more certain. At EBC, our Inbody 770 body scan will chart your treatment progress to ensure you get the best possible results.

Post-treatment aftercare

To reap the rewards from your HIFU treatment, we strongly recommend maintaining a proper aftercare routine and taking precautions. Before your treatment, minimise sun exposure — we cannot treat sunburned or recently tanned skin with HIFU. Advise us if you are on antibiotics, as you may need to postpone your treatment until you’ve completed the course. We cannot treat your facial skin if you are recovering from a cold sore or fever.

On the day of your treatment, avoid wearing makeup or moisturiser. In terms of aftercare, avoid sun exposure for a few weeks, alcohol, scratching your skin, hot showers and drink as much water as possible to stay nourished and hydrated. Our team will discuss this in detail during your consultation, so you’ll be well-versed in the pros and cons of a HIFU treatment.

Book your HIFU treatment at EBC today and say goodbye to sagging skin

At Elite Body Contouring, we recognise that no two bodies are the same. That’s why we tailor all our HIFU treatments to each individual’s body and unique goals. Our experienced team is well-versed in our non-invasive HIFU treatments and will take the time to discuss your goals before suggesting the recommended number of treatments.

Our therapists will be there every step of the way and keep you in the loop with your progress. But why take our word for it? Check out our HIFU treatment results and pricing to see why so many clients love our offerings.

Ready to transform your skin? Book your free consultation today to take the first step to boosting your confidence. If you have questions about our HIFU treatment, explore our FAQs, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at 1300 10 10 55 — they are more than happy to address any concerns and help you decide whether this treatment is the right fit for you. We look forward to hearing from you!