HIFU Body Skin Tightening
What is Body HIFU?
Body HIFU uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Technology which heats the deep and superficial layers of the skin’s tissue (under the surface of the skin) to gradually tighten and tone the skin in the treatment area.
HIFU technology originated around 1940 as a medical device in the treatment of some cancers. It then moved to the physical therapy industry to treat muscle pain, before gaining mainstream popularity in the aesthetics beauty industry for cosmetic skin tightening purposes.
Today, HIFU Skin Tightening offers a safe non-surgical treatment solution that lifts, tightens, and firms the skin for people who have experienced a loss of skin elasticity; and who are predominately concerned with loose skin.
No Fuss or Downtime
HIFU Skin Tightening is a simple walk-in & walk-out procedure, taking only 30-60 minutes! (HIFU is a great option for people who may be time-poor!)
Suitable For All Ages
Ideal for both younger and mature skin that has lost elasticity over the years, and those seeking a deeper & stronger skin tightening solution.
Non-Surgical Solution
A great non-invasive post pregnancy or post-weight loss treatment for those considering a tummy-tuck or those seeking a ‘mummy-makeover’.
Firms & Tightens Skin
Stimulates the skin’s natural production of collagen & elastin to visibly firm, tighten & refresh, leaving you with younger looking skin.
Introducing HIFU
Focus Dual® for Body
Skin Tightening
Introducing HIFU Focus
Dual® for Body Skin Tightening
The Focus Dual® HIFU body treatment is the latest clinically proven, non-surgical procedure which helps to tighten, firm and reduce a loss of elasticity on areas of the body.
The Focus Dual® uses HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Technology to emit heat energy from high frequency ultrasound waves directly into the skin at temperatures around 65 degrees
This heat energy works to rapidly stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen, which is what causes the skin to look and feel tighter and firmer.
Experience the transformative impact of
HIFU face lifts
Why choose Elite Body Contouring
Proven track record
Cutting-edge medical-grade technology
Experienced and reliable specialists
Complimentary consultations
State-of-the-art fat reduction solutions
Questions? Book your Free Consultation today!
Looking to start your non-surgical treatment but not sure where to start? Book your free consultation today with one of our therapists to learn more about which treatment options are available!
Questions? Book your
Free Consultation today!
The Focus Dual® (TGA Certified, ARTG No. 371470) is clinically-proven to visibly reduce sagging and loose skin on the body using the power of true HIFU energy to safely emit heat energy from high frequency ultrasound waves directly into the skin to rapidly stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin.
Unlike other popular skin tightening treatments (such as Radio Frequency or Fractional) which are limited in their ability to penetrate into the deep dermis, HIFU penetrates down to the SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) which targets the subcutaneous tissue; leading to more advanced and longer lasting treatment results.
Customise Your Treatment to Reach Your Goals
Customise Your Treatment to
Reach Your Goals
HIFU Focus Dual® is fully customisable to the needs of each client through the use of different cartridge depths, and during your complimentary consultation, one of our therapists will discuss your concerns with you and assess the treatment area in order to recommend a tailored treatment program to help you reach your goals!

HIFU Body Treatment Areas
- Anterior Axillary (Arm-Pit Fat)
- Arms
- Bra-Rolls
- Male Chest
- Love Handles
- Upper Stomach
- Lower Stomach
- Full Stomach
- Hands
- Buttocks
- Inner Thighs
- Outer Thighs
- Rear Thighs
- Knees
Results & Tracking
Some clients may notice an immediate firming and tightening effect following their treatment, however the full effect from HIFU Skin Tightening will continue to develop over 12-weeks as your body works to produce new collagen and elastin.
At Elite Body Contouring, we ensure that all of our client results are tracked and measured using body composition scans with the InBody 770 as well as utilising before and after images and detailed treatment notes taken in-clinic as you progress through your treatment to ensure that you are on-track to reach your treatment goals!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Body HIFU?
Body HIFU uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Technology , which heats the deep and superficial layers of the skin’s tissue under the surface of the skin, gradually tightening and toning the treatment area.
Previously, we only access to more superficial tightening technology such as RF Radio Frequency which limited out ability to penetrate into the deep dermis. With HIFU we are able to not only treat the deep dermis, we are also able to treat and target subcutaneous tissue, leading to more advanced and longer lasting treatment results
At Elite Body Contouring we offer HIFU on the Body using the Focus Dual® HIFU skin tightening device. It uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound waves to create a wound at a dermal level without affecting the top few layers of skin.
Does HIFU Work On The Body?
Yes, absolutely! At Elite Body Contouring, we have mastered HIFU Body treatments to ensure our clients achieve the best possible results when undergoing a HIFU Body procedure in our clinics.
This is because we have developed unique practiced & proven HIFU Body protocols for safety, client comfort and of course, results. We understand that some clients may not be concerned with fat reduction and are looking for a solution to tighten loose skin on the body. We also only work with the best in HIFU technology. The Focus Dual® is a Medical Grade, TGA listed device that has been backed by Clinical Studies.
HIFU definitely works to achieve real visible results on the body but must only be performed by an experienced and qualified HIFU Body Specialist using only a TGA certified device.
Can HIFU Cause Fat Loss?
Your HIFU Body treatment can be tailored to your individual concerns and goals - if fat reduction is your primary concern, HIFU can be tailored to heat up the fat cells destroying them and therefore leading to fat loss.
In many cases, if permanent fat reduction is your primary concern and you are have been researching fat reduction treatments using HIFU technology, our LIPOcel procedure may be a more effective solution to help you achieve your goals using HIFU technology. This is because LIPOcel is specifically designed for use on the body and the primary goal of LIPOcel is fat reduction and body contouring. LIPOcel will also simultaneously tighten the skin however it is designed for deeper subcutaneous tissue .
LIPOcel is 60 times more powerful than the Focus Dual® HIFU device as it has been designed for use only on the body. LIPOcel cartridges also penetrate deeper than the Focus Dual® cartridges.
Your HIFU Specialist will be able to advise which treatment will work best for your concerns in order to meet your expectations and goals during your consultation.
Is HIFU Painful?
HIFU on the body is generally not a painful treatment however every client will feel the treatment differently (depending on their individual threshold for discomfort).
Some clients may experience a slight tingling or pin prickling sensation that may cause slight discomfort, and after your Body HIFU treatment you may experience some slight redness and tenderness in the treatment area that may last a few days, however this is rare
What Are The Side Effects of HIFU?
Our HIFU Body treatment has minimal side effects which is why this is one of our most popular skin tightening options, however with any cosmetic procedure there is always a possibility of an adverse reaction to the HIFU Body Treatment.
Some possible side effects include:
- Swelling
- Numbness
- Redness
- Superficial Burning
- Discomfort
- Tenderness
At Elite Body Contouring your HIFU Body procedure in only performed by a Manager or Senior Therapist who has undergone extensive training to best prevent and manage any possible HIFU side effects so that you can be assured your body is in the best hands.
Is HIFU Expensive?
HIFU Body is a relatively inexpensive procedure when compared to surgical procedures such as a thigh lift and tummy tuck, with Body HIFU tightening pricing starting from $499* depending on the area of the body being treated.
HIFU has a high consumable cost with cartridges being charged according to the 'shot' count. Some clinics charge upwards of $2000 for a HIFU Body treatment for a TGA listed, Medical Grade device, however at Elite Body Contouring, we offer affordable HIFU treatments without compromising on your results or experience with pre-paid packages available for purchase in-clinic.
*Price for lower stomach Body HIFU with 50% off applied.
Which is Better: RF or HIFU?
HIFU and RF (Radio Frequency) are two completely different treatments.
RF (Radio Frequency) generates heat to tighten and firm the skin by heating the dermis which causes the body to release proteins that stimulate the production of new collagen fibres and improve blood flow; resulting in skin rejuvenation. Radio Frequency is only able to treat the superficial layers of the epidermis and is more for 'crepey skin' as it penetrates no further than 3mm deep into the skin tissues.
HIFU Energy is much stronger than RF Energy. HIFU helps with a loss of elasticity and also works to stimulate collagen and elastin production. HIFU treatments target different layers of the skin and also the SMAS (superficial muscle layer) of the skin, and also targets fat cells by heating the skins tissue. With HIFU we are able to perform a more powerful treatment that penetrates deeper into the skin than what can be achieved with RF energy. HIFU can be customised to the clients needs with the ability to change the different depths of cartridges, something we are unable to do with an RF Skin Tightening procedure.
HIFU treatments can only be performed at 4 week intervals on the same treatment area where as RF treatments can be performed at weekly intervals, however many clients will incorporate RF Skin Tightening into their HIFU Body treatment plan to maximise results.
Is HIFU Better Than Thermage?
Thermage is not a True HIFU, it uses Radio Frequency energy, while HIFU uses High Intensity Focused Ultrasound energy.
Both Technologies work to heat up the skin and are very effective at stimulating the production of new collagen, however HIFU works upwards from the subcutaneous tissue and deep dermis to the epidermis and superficial layers of the skin, whereas Thermage works from the surface downwards, generally leading to increased discomfort felt during the treatment.